How Much Does Rehab Cost and How to Pay For It? (2024)

People struggling with alcohol and substance abuse who want to join a professional rehab facility for treatment often wonder about its cost and other aspects. Rehabilitation program costs vary from one center to another depending on several factors such as length of stay, types of treatment services offered for various drugs, type of facility, amenities offered, and others.

Table Of Contents:

  • Is Spending on Drug Rehab Worth It?
  • Aspects of Drug and Alcohol Rehab Pricing
  • Factors That Affect the Way Rehab Price
  • The Cost of Detox From Alcohol and Drugs
  • The Cost of Outpatient Addiction Treatment
  • The Price For Inpatient Addiction Treatment
  • The Costs of Non-profit Rehabilitation Centers
  • Additional Treatment Services That May Increase the Cost
  • Why Should Addiction Treatment Be Sought Irrespective of Cost?

How Much Does Rehab Cost and How to Pay For It? (1)

Read along further to find information about how much rehab costs, how much does detox cost, the factors that determine rehab prices, and other information about alcohol rehab costs to get an idea about how expensive rehab is.

Is Drug Rehab Cost Worth It?

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse statistics, substance abuse costs more than $740 billion annually in costs related to crime, health care, and lost work productivity. Drug addiction treatment has been shown to reduce these costs manifold. Treatment is also considered less expensive than its alternatives, such as incarcerating addicted persons. According to another National Institute on Drug Abuse report, methadone addiction treatment costs roughly $4,700 per patient. In contrast, if that person were to be imprisoned for a year, it would incur a total cost of approximately $24,000. Other studies from the National Institute of Health also suggest that drug and addiction treatment reduces drug use by 50% to 60% and improves employment prospects by 40% to 60%.

According to a study carried out to determine whether substance abuse treatment is worth it price-wise, substance abuse treatment costs $1,583. It is associated with a monetary benefit to society of $11,487, representing a greater than 7:1 ratio of benefits to costs in the form of reduced costs of crime and increased employment earnings. Furthermore, another research shows that chemical dependency treatment bore economic benefits for the employers in the form of more productivity and less work loss.

All these statistics show that when one considers how much is rehab and compares it with the cost reduction that is caused as a result of treatment, the cost of drug rehab is minuscule.

How Much Does Rehab Cost? Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Cost Overview

Substance and alcohol rehab costs lie within a wide range depending on several factors such as the length of the program, amenities offered, type of program, and others. But there are several options to pay for rehab, which makes it affordable for anyone who wants help.

Often, people can receive recovery support services at little to no out-of-pocket cost. Individual counseling and therapy sessions can cost more depending on whether the patient sees an in- or out-of-network provider. In addition, there are many peer support and recovery groups run by either non-profit organizations, charities, or churches that people may attend for free. For example, Alcoholics Anonymous accepts donations to help pay for things like rent for the meeting space or coffee, but enrolling in the program does not cost anything.

The Basic Options of Paying for Rehab Are Discussed Below:

Paying Out Of Pocket

This is the option where one pays out of his pocket completely for addiction treatment. This is the most costly option where out-of-pocket expenses cover all the treatment. However, it does give one the choice of choosing a treatment center based on their preferences of location, treatment services, amenities, and other factors.

Public Insurance

Public insurance is an insurance plan that the federal government subsidizes. Depending on how much is rehab for a particular center, this subsidy can be full or partial. The most common types of public insurances are Medicare and Medicaid. They cover substance abuse treatment as a whole, but certain rehab centers do not accept Medicare or Medicaid. This limits the choice of rehab facilities that one might have shortlisted for treatment.

Private Insurance

Private insurance is the one that employers usually offer to their employees that the government does not subsidize. Private insurance often covers more treatments and therapies than public insurance plans, but it also results in higher out-of-pocket expenses. One can contact their private insurance providers to get information about what kinds of treatments they cover to get an idea of how much out-of-pocket expenses there will be. The patient would also need to check with the rehab centers to check how much is rehab and if the particular private insurance covers their treatment.

Does My Insurance Cover Addiction Treatment?Read More About Your Health Insurance Options:

Low-Cost Rehabs

For people who do not have insurance or cannot afford one, there is the option of low-cost rehab that the federal and state governments subsidize. They offer sliding scale payments, no-interest loan plans, income-based payments, and scholarships for the deserving.

Free Rehabs

For people who cannot afford any of the insurance mentioned above or self-pay options, there is the option of free rehabs where the treatment is completely free for whoever is eligible. However, there is usually a long waiting list of patients for free rehabs.

Get more information about free rehabs:

  • Free Drug Rehab Centers

Factors Affecting Drug Rehab Prices

Rehab prices vary widely from one type of program to another and can even vary quite a bit within each category of treatment programs.

How Much Does Rehab Cost Depends on Factors That Include the Following:

Type Of Treatment Facility

The type of rehab facility also affects the alcohol rehab cost. For example, a residential facility will cost more than an outpatient facility because they provide lodging, meals, and other resources to their residents in addition to other treatment services.

Location Of Treatment Facility

The location of the treatment center also affects its price depending on how easily accessible it is or what kind of an experience it offers. For example, a resort rehab facility in the mountains or near the beach will cost more since it provides its residents with an exotic and close-to-nature environment conducive to healing.

Amenities Offered

The more amenities offered at a rehab center, the greater its cost will be. Amenities can include several recreational and holistic elements such as a swimming pool, gym, sports grounds, massage therapy, nutrition counseling, wilderness experience, etc. In addition, the kind of lodging services that the patients receive will also affect the alcohol rehab cost, such as private rooms or suites, gourmet meals, and other five-star services.

Treatment Programs Offered

The different types of programs offered at the facility, such as detox, medication-assisted treatment, therapies, holistic approaches, and aftercare, will determine the treatment cost.

Length Of Treatment

The length that a person’s treatment lasts will also affect the cost that will be incurred in treatment. For example, some patients may need to be at the facility for 30 days, whereas others may be required to stay for 90 days or more. The cost will therefore increase with the length of treatment.

Total Number Of Patients At The Facility

The program’s size also plays a role in determining the average cost of rehab. This means how many patients are at the facility and the staff to patient ratio. Lesser patients mean the staff will be able to focus on patients more intimately, and thus, they charge more in case of a more intimate rehab environment.

How Much Does Detox Cost?

Addiction treatment usually starts with detox programs and recovery support services. While insurance may cover all or some of the costs for detoxification, out-of-pocket costs for a detox program can range from $250 to $800. Insurance may cover detoxification in part or in whole, but one may only be allowed to choose from a certain set of providers if one wants a portion of the costs to be covered. Out-of-network facilities always cost more. But remember, just ridding a person’s body of toxins doesn’t keep them sober. Actual recovery starts when the detox stage is complete.

Services Offered During Detox Include:

  • A doctor’s evaluation and assessment
  • 24-hour medical supervision
  • Medication administration for detox and administration of medicines to ease withdrawal symptoms during detox.

Outpatient Addiction Treatment Programs Cost

Treatments for addiction recovery often include different forms of counseling that promote cognitive, behavioral, and lifestyle changes that will encourage patients to stay sober long enough to realize that sobriety is the better path in life.

The following numbers are simply there to provide a possible range of cost so those seeking help can prepare themselves for the possibilities and get an idea about how expensive is rehab.

Program Type/ServiceDurationPrice Range
PHP1 – 4 months$350 to $450 per day
IOP90 days$3000 to $10,000
Counseling/ Therapy Sessions90 minutes$100 to $200 per session

Partial Hospitalization Programs (PHP) Programs Cost

These programs host recovery groups and provide other forms of peer support and dispense medical detox treatments. Patients visit a rehab facility three to five times each week for four to six hours at a time and then return home at the end of the day to be with family and sleep. This option cuts down on rehab prices significantly compared to an inpatient facility due to the elimination of room and board and other living expenses.

On average, PHP costs clients $350 to $450 per day and lasts for several weeks.

Services Offered in PHP Include the Following:

  • Meeting at the center for 4-6 hours a day, 3 to 5 days a week.
  • All hospital facilities and services are available for the patients during their time at the center.
  • Therapies such as group therapy, individual counseling, medication management to improve mental and psychological health.
How Much Does Rehab Cost and How to Pay For It? (13)

Intensive Outpatient Programs (IOP)

An IOP allows patients to continue on with their everyday lives—to continue going to work or school—while receiving treatment. An IOP can also be a healthy way for people to transition back to normal, daily life after being in an inpatient facility or a PHP. IOPs encourage patients to set both short-term and long-term goals to help them maintain sobriety. These programs typically last for eight to 12 weeks. A survey conducted by Open Minds Consulting, which incorporated cost data from the programs of 44 private providers, found the average to be around $7,000 for a 10-week program.

The alcohol rehab cost of a 30-day IOP program ranges anywhere from $3,000 to 10,000.

Generally, Services Offered at Top Programs Include the Following:

  • At least three meetings or counseling sessions per week, lasting anywhere from two to four hours, sometimes longer.
  • Therapies such as group therapy, individual counseling and therapy, mental health counseling, drug tests, relapse prevention, and medication management
  • Monitoring for substance abuse to ensure that there is no relapse
  • Round the clock crisis coverage
  • Workshops that can introduce patients to several holistic approaches like yoga and exercise, or even new hobbies, such as painting or learning to play a musical instrument which improves mental health
  • Community support groups
  • Vocational and employment training
  • Involvement of family in treatment and therapies

Outpatient Treatment Programs (OP)

Clients are required to report to a rehab facility between three and seven nights per week for a one- to two-hour group or individual counseling session. Depending on the program, general outpatient care can range from $20 per day to $350 per day, though other sources estimate the weekly costs of outpatient treatment to be less than $500 per week.

Inpatient Addiction Treatment Programs Cost

Inpatient treatment is a great option for those who have tried other recovery support services and outpatient programs but are still struggling with external temptations at school, work, home, or other environments. There are short-term and long-term treatment lengths available. Short-term treatment ranges from a week to under 30 days, whereas long-term treatment is often available in 30-, 60-, and 90-day programs.

The cost of inpatient rehab can be as little as $7,500 per month for standard treatment and as much as $100,000 per month for treatment at high-end luxury facilities like the ones celebrities attend when they need help with addiction. Most well-known rehabilitation facilities cost between $10,000 and $20,000 per month. Things like Medicaid, Medicare, and other types of insurance can help cover these costs in many situations. Many rehab facilities also offer some form of a payment plan or other financial assistance.

Program Type/ServiceDurationPrice Range
Basic 30 day program30 days$6,000
Standard 30 day program30 days$6,000 to $20,000
Luxury 30 day program30 days$30,000 to $100,000
60 days Program60 days$24,000 to $45,000
90 days Program90 days$45,000 to $60,000

Ultra-luxury Rehabilitation Facilities

These facilities may have different programs and different rules of operation in general. For example, some luxury rehab centers allow children and/or pets. Some facilities offer new mothers 24-hour access to a pediatrician. Luxury rehab centers often have scenic views and an overall serene setting, state-of-of-the-art exercise facilities, and other extracurricular activities. These are the ones that can cost up to (or more than) $100,000 per month.

Services Offered in a Luxury Rehab Facility Can Include the Following:

  • 24-hour access to medical facilities, doctors, and staff
  • 24-hour monitoring and supervision
  • Daily group counseling sessions and individual therapy
  • Private rooms/suites
  • Gourmet meals
  • Holistic treatments such as massage therapy, acupuncture, meditation, yoga, herbal treatment, etc.
  • Holistic therapies such as art therapy, music therapy, equine therapy, wilderness therapy and experience, resort living, etc. that aim to improve mental and physical health
  • Nutritional counseling
  • State of the art gym, swimming pool, sports grounds, and other recreational activities.

Standard Rehabilitation Centers

Though standard inpatient rehab facilities often charge between $10,000 and $20,000, the average cost of rehab for an inpatient rehabilitation center in 2014 was reported to be $18,000 per month, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse.

In addition, these treatment facilities may allow children or pets and have things like swimming pools or other tools used to promote physical fitness.

Other Services at a Standard Rehabilitation Center Can Include:

  • Access to medical facilities, doctors, and staff
  • Monitoring and supervision
  • Daily group counseling sessions and individual therapy
  • Shared accommodation
  • Outside activities and weekend activities
  • Access to swimming pool, gym, yoga, and meditation
  • Standard meals
  • Aftercare and sober living

Basic Rehabilitation Centers

The cost of inpatient rehab at a basic rehabilitation center can approximately be $6,000 for a 30 days inpatient program. The services offered at a basic facility differ from standard and luxury facilities which, in turn, account for the lower costs.

These Services May Include:

  • Supervision and monitoring
  • Daily group sessions and individual therapy
  • Shared accommodation
  • Daily chores
  • Access to counselors
  • Standard meals
How Much Does Rehab Cost and How to Pay For It? (14)

Government-Funded and Non-Profit Rehabilitation Centers Pricing

Government-funded rehabilitation centers can provide treatment at almost no cost to the patient. However, because these centers are state-funded, they may not treat addiction in the same ways as other facilities. For example, some programs offer detoxing and medical management services only instead of counseling programs or other recovery support services in addition to detox. Is important to know about state-funded rehab centers because there are often waiting lists to get into one because of limited funding and the high demand for low-cost addiction treatment. Though each state agency has its standards, a person applying to attend a state-funded rehabilitation center is typically required to provide proof of residency, income status, and personal information about the history and degree of their addiction.

Contact information for the different state agencies that manage these programs may be found here.

Additional Addiction Treatment Services Cost

How much does rehab cost also depend on additional services apart from the above-mentioned programs and services? These are discussed below:

Amenities And Luxuries

The amount and types of amenities and luxuries offered at a rehab center can increase the total alcohol rehab cost. These can include amenities such as gourmet meals, spa, massages, executive swimming pools, private and executive rooms, gym, workout facilities, meditation and yoga classes, and executive experiences such as wilderness experience, horseback riding, spas, and others. These can increase the cost of inpatient rehab up to $100,000.

Alcohol Intervention Cost

People who abuse alcohol and drugs are mostly aware of the dangers their addiction can cause to them and their families. Still, they are convinced that their problem is not a big issue and can be handled without any professional help in some cases. In such cases, the friends and families of addicted individuals may make the person understand the dangers and consequences of addiction on their health and make them understand that they need treatment. This is called an intervention. Some families may choose to hire a professional for an intervention thinking that the professional would better convince the addict to get help and provide all of them with all the relevant resources. How much does rehab cost also includes this intervention fee?

An intervention may cost a flat amount of anywhere between $2,500 and $10,000. In addition, the professional person may ask for additional expenses such as boarding for himself. After the intervention, the family may ask the professional to take the addict with them to the rehab, which would incur an additional cost.

Medication-Assisted Treatment for Drug and Alcohol Addiction

Medical detox is often the best option for those withdrawing from alcohol, opiates, and benzodiazepines because of the dangers associated with sudden discontinuation of use. Local clinics can supply withdrawal and craving-reduction medications at reduced costs based on income due to government subsidies. Other times, medications may be included in the cost of an inpatient rehabilitation program.

If participating in an outpatient program or with a prescription from a regular doctor, Medicaid and Medicare can help cover the costs of some medications that help people get through the different stages of recovery. Different prescription discount websites also have coupons available that can help people pay for rehab medications with co-pays that may be lower than their insurance offers.

Regardless of how one pays for them, co-pays for medications used to treat addiction (including co-occurring disorders such as anxiety and depression) can be anywhere from $2 to $400+ for a 30-day supply.

Methadone Treatment Prices

Methadone treatments cost an average of $18 per day from an outpatient clinic and around $76 per day when included in the cost of an inpatient rehab program. This makes the year-long average cost of rehab treatment with methadone to be around $2,600 to $5,200.

Suboxone Treatment Costs

Suboxone treatment costs are also an additional expense on top of the regular rehabilitation prices. Suboxone, a combination medication containing buprenorphine and naloxone, is a medicine used to ease the symptoms of withdrawal from detox and long-term maintenance. Suboxone treatment costs for a year can be around $4,000 to $5,000.

Extended Addiction Treatment Options

Although there are a number of factors that determine the cost of certain extended treatment options (truly ranging from $50 to $10,000 per month), sober living, or “halfway houses,” tend to cost between $1,500 and $2,500 per month. Churches, charities, and non-profit organizations sometimes offer sober living arrangements at no cost to a limited number of individuals.

Get Addiction Treatment Irrespective Of Costs

Alcohol and substance abuse addiction treatment costs may seem overwhelming when one considers how expensive is rehab. But when compared to the costs that addiction incurs in the form of lost work productivity, healthcare, crimes, and incarceration, the cost of addiction treatment would still be considered less.

There are different options of rehab facilities available, each with its own costs and expenses, which ensures that one can find a facility that best suits them. How much does rehab cost should never be a reason for an addict to not opt for treatment and be able to achieve better health and sobriety.

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Find Drug Rehabilitation Centers Near You Anywhere In the US

Addiction Resource team has compiled an extensive list of the top drug rehabilitation facilities around the country. Click on the state you are interested in, and you'll get a list of the best centers in the area, along with their levels of care, working hours, and contact information. Haven't found the rehab you need? Call the toll-free helpline below for professional assistance.

How Much Does Rehab Cost and How to Pay For It? (15)

  • Alabama
  • Alaska
  • Arizona
  • Arkansas
  • California
  • Colorado
  • Connecticut
  • Delaware
  • Florida
  • Georgia
  • Hawaii
  • Idaho
  • Illinois
  • Indiana
  • Iowa
  • Kansas
  • Kentucky
  • Louisiana
  • Maine
  • Maryland
  • Massachusetts
  • Michigan
  • Minnesota
  • Mississippi
  • Missouri
  • Montana
  • Nebraska
  • Nevada
  • New Hampshire
  • New Jersey
  • New Mexico
  • New York
  • North Carolina
  • North Dakota
  • Ohio
  • Oklahoma
  • Oregon
  • Pennsylvania
  • Rhode Island
  • South Carolina
  • South Dakota
  • Tennessee
  • Texas
  • Utah
  • Vermont
  • Virginia
  • Washington
  • West Virginia
  • Wisconsin
  • Wyoming

Page Sources

  1. Directory of Single State Agencies (SSA) for Substance Abuse Services. SAMHSA. (2016).
  2. Is drug addiction treatment worth its cost? | National Institute on Drug Abuse. National Institute on Drug Abuse.
  3. French, M. T., Popovici, I., & Tapsell, L. (2008). The economic costs of substance abuse treatment: Updated estimates and cost bands for program assessment and reimbursem*nt. Journal of substance abuse treatment, 35(4), 462-469.
  4. Types of Treatment Programs | National Institute on Drug Abuse. National Institute on Drug Abuse.
  5. Ettner, S. L., Huang, D., Evans, E., Rose Ash, D., Hardy, M., Jourabchi, M., & Hser, Y. I. (2006). Benefit-cost in the California treatment outcome project: does substance abuse treatment “pay for itself”?. Health Services Research, 41(1), 192-213.
  6. Jordan, N., Grissom, G., Alonzo, G., Dietzen, L., & Sangsland, S. (2008). Economic benefit of chemical dependency treatment to employers. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 34(3), 311-319.
  7. Costs of Substance Abuse.
  8. Why Should We Treat Addicts Anyway? The Solution We Refuse to Use.

Published on: November 2nd, 2016

Updated on: May 13th, 2024

How Much Does Rehab Cost and How to Pay For It? (2024)


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